Last month we defined stewardship as the efficient use of temporary resources to create an enduring impact in the lives of others. This month, let’s consider how this concept relates to managing versus leading.

Stewards empower. Those in leadership positions (manager or division/organizational leader) that hover and constrict because of control issues soon develop a stable of co-dependent mules. Mules don’t think, they only do. They carry stuff. And that’s not a scalable model. “It takes a village,” has endured for good reason. Remember, empires aren’t built by one person, but by a team who are also willing to give themselves to something they believe is bigger than themselves. They are the heroes.

As leaders we are constantly monitoring this thing called “culture”. We are the ADVANCERSof the positive aspects we are building and the DEFENDERSof the negative aspects that want to fight into our environments.

Sometimes this allows the leader to be in a relaxed posture but many times it requires a full court press from the leaderto ensure that their culture is not being tainted.

A strategic way of defining your culture – is defining your core values.